Legal Authority of the Permanency Planning Committee (Foster Care Child & Family Team Meeting) 624-05-15-100

(Revised 2/10/07 ML #3053)

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The custodial agency has the final responsibility for the case plan and what happens to the child. The committee essentially serves in an advisory or recommending posture in relation to the case plan.  The agency and committee by working cooperatively through multi-agency and multidisciplinary approaches can provide a wider variety of support services to the parents, foster child, and foster parent to carry out the treatment for the case plan. The committee makes a recommendation as to whether a petition should be filed for termination of parental rights; if and when the child should be returned to their own homes; the parent's willingness and ability to benefit from counseling and treatment services; potential for the parents to ever be able to provide and care for their child and other critical decisions. No single profession has the total knowledge of what is the best plan for a child. By utilizing a multi-agency, multidisciplinary permanency planning/team approach, we broaden the input and allow for more ideas into the important planning decisions. This has proven to be very valuable when it is necessary to go to court on behalf of children and their families.  (Reference N.D.A.C. 75-03-14.)